Fealorehn, by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson

I received this book for free from Bookbub and Barnes and Noble.  It's written as a narrative from the main character's point of view.  The book starts off slow, only to provide enough background to fully understand the characters.  I'll admit it, it was really hard to read at first, but Will assured me that it got better.  By the end of the book I was hooked.  What I liked about it is it's not your usual fantasy novel set in a medieval time.  This is very modern.  I love the use of celtic mythology throughout the story.  The story makes you not only remember the names of different Gods, Goddesses and epic heros, but it makes them more personal.  Either truly terrifying or as people you would love to know.

The book is about a 17 year old girl named Meghan that is a junior in high school living in central California.  That for all practical purposes, she believes she's slightly odd but otherwise an ordinary teenage girl.  The only thing that really makes her different is the strange voices she hears, her unusual ever changing eye color, her odd dreams, and a strange recurring dream she has every year near her birthday.  In her dream, she is around 3 years old, naked and roaming the streets of LA with a large white dog.

Everything changes for her when she is attacked in the swamp behind her house by some unusual creatures.  This mysterious but handsome man that comes to her rescue.  After rescuing her he tells her what she really is.  Everything everyone thought that made her appear crazy, actually makes her special in a way humans could never understand.

I really like Meghan the main character of the book.  She's strong, if not a little impulsive, but what teenage girl isn't.  I love the drive she has for answers about her past.  That she isn't afraid to find them herself.  The fact that when those she loves lives are endanger, she will stop at nothing to protect them.

I've already bought books 2 and 3 and have a few sides stories about the Fealorehn on my wishlist.  I would highly recommend this book.

Review on book 1.5 Ehriad

Review on book 2 Dolmarehn

Review on book 3 Luathara

Review on book 4 Ghalien


Anyone that says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.
--  Unknown


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