Winter Party

We received a phone call that from Jaiden's school that he won't be going into 9th grade Earth Science next semester, because the class is full.  Which Jaiden was relieved and upset at the same time.  The past 4 years of school, he has been learning about earth science.  He really didn't want to have to have yet another year.  I suppose I didn't have to have a dramatic pause.  I'm sadistic like that.  They are transferring him into 9th grade Physical Science instead.  It's only a one semester class, so he will get full high school credit for it.  Which should be so much better than what he's learning in 8th grade.  

Due to the snow storms we had back in December, Jaiden's Winter party was rescheduled.  Kind of ironic really, lol.  But the party's rescheduled date came at a good time. 

Unfortunately, Will was still getting over his cold so he took pictures instead of skating.  He followed me part way around the rink here.

Some of the kids from my son's school.  Right before we left it was really crowded.

Can't catch me!

Apparently mom isn't as old, as some people think.

I thought my son was just being a goof ball when he grabbed one of these bars to help beginner skaters.  Turned out he was trying to make a few of the kindergartners feel better about being new to skating. 

My son's new love of photography.

It's a strange world of language in which skating on thin ice can get you into hot water.
-- Flanklin P. Jones


  1. Go, Jaiden! That's awesome that he thought of the little ones.


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