Unleashed, by Emily Kimelman

This was another free book I received from www.bookbub.com.  This is the first book that I have received from them in a while that I really didn't like.  I almost stopped reading it in the first few pages, because Kimelman starts the book by telling you the main character's dog has died.  Not today but when the series ends, it ends with her dog's death.  Yes, the one on the cover.  I hate books like this.  That's really depressing and leaves nothing to look forward to in the series.  On top of that you learn it's because she left a chocolate bar where her dog could get it, eat it and die.  *sighs*

I'm a dog person so starting the book like this left a really sour taste in my mouth.  It probably helped me see all of the horrible faults in the plot.  Really stupid decisions made by the main character Joy Humbolt.  Unbelievable situations that were poorly researched.  

I had no idea when I started reading this book that it wasn't just a mystery series, but also a tacky attempt at sneaking in really poorly researched BDSM into the book, though not much erotica.  For me this had the same bad writing and research of books like 50 Shades of Grey minus the detailed sex.  I'm annoyed by writers that fantasize about the BDSM lifestyle, but really don't know anything about it.  So they make up really stupid unrealistic situations that if people were to really to follow these ideas, would probably end up murdered and laying in a gutter somewhere.

The book starts off with Joy working in a coffee shop.  She obviously hates her job and has no problems with making fun of her customers that aren't as coffee savvy as herself.  So she ends up getting fired for basically telling a customer that she was stupid and because she ordered the wrong drink she should just deal with it.  *sighs*  So since her and her boyfriend have recently broken up, she decides to buy a dog for companionship.  Though she doesn't have a problem having sex with her ex or guys she meets on the first date.  Other pastimes of hers include drinking like a fish, ordering bad take out and ignoring her new dog.

While complaining to a friend about not having a job/boyfriend/etc she learns about a woman selling her dog walking business and ends up taking it over.  When one of her clients is murdered, she takes it upon herself to play PI and try to solve the case on her own.  Though as you read the book you will be able to solve the case half way through the book.  Leaving the ending feeling flat and anticlimactic.

If she was half as smart as most of the books about ametuer detectives she probably wouldn't be getting those she cares about besides herself injured or killed.  This author isn't afraid to kill likable main characters.  What I found most unrealistic was all the secret passages throughout NYC.  That there was treasure(gold and jewels) estimated in the billions in NYC and only a few people have tried to find it....*rolls eyes*  There is a relationship in the book with a rich, gorgeous cop that seems to adore her and that some how gets forgotten and overlooked halfway through the book.  Other than a brief mention of him at the end of the book he just disappears like the author forgot about him.  She has problems with others murdering people, but it's ok for her to do it... Also characters that you don't really like end up being her best friends.  O.o

As for the writing it's really redundant.  Seriously how many times does Joy really need to bite her lip.  You hear about the ship that sunk with the treasure so many times that you have to start skimming over the details.  Also it seems like whenever there needs to be a transition from one seen to the next, the author just says hey lets have alcoholic Joy drink some more.

Save your time and read something else.  Unless you're looking for a book about a selfish, airhead, alcoholic, ametuer private eye that takes risks so stupid she gets those she cares about killed.

You must make a decision that you are going to move on.  It won't happen automatically.  You will have to rise up and say, "I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am, I'm not going to let this get the best of me.  I'm moving on with my life."
-- Joel Olsteen


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