Summer Soiree & Other Adventures

Last Friday we went to the Summer Soiree out at Longwood Gardens.  The event was absolutely wonderful.

One of my favorite Gypsy bands, Beau Django was playing along The Italian Water Garden.  Will and I curled up on a bench on the side.  Listened to the soulful gypsy jazz and watched the fireflies come out and make the gardens magical.

The highlight of the evening was the fountain show set to big band music.  I didn't know that the fountain lights changed color and the fountains themselves can be programed to pulse and sway to the rhythms of different music.  It was amazing!  We are definitely considering going to the second soiree they are having in August.

Saturday while hiking in the woods near our house we found that all of the hundreds of raspberry bushes were finally ripe with fruit.  We were able to collect a small bucket full of berries.

We came home and had vanilla ice cream topped with some whole berry raspberry syrup we found at Cabela's, mini cream puffs and our fresh raspberries.

On Sunday I did something new.  I joined a knitting/crocheting group through my church and learned how to knit.  I really don't have anything but a reference square yet.  I will post progress as I get better.

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.
-- Amit Ray


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