Ingress and Strawberry Lavender Doughnuts

Some people know I'm a bit of a gamer.  So when I got an invite to play a new game called Ingress a couple of years ago, I downloaded the game onto my phone and immediately wandered around my then Renton, WA neighborhood trying to hack portals and save the human race.  But let me back-up what is this game?  It's a type of geocaching game where you wander around the city you live in(world wide) using your gps to locate portals.  Portals usually being statues, artwork, historical monuments, or certain types of government buildings such as Post Offices, Fire Stations, etc.  Either you're one of the enlightened trying to help THEM spread or you're part of the resistance, resisting the spread of the unusual presence among us...Honestly if you want more info check it out here:

Yes, I did dye my hair red recently.  I said I wanted auburn(natural color) and ended up with copper instead...honestly you only live once, might as well enjoy whatever life throws at you, beside it can be corrected latter.  :P

Why do I bring Ingress up?  Philadelphia had a major battle this past weekend.  So Will, Jaiden and I armed with our phones and our portable phone charger, we headed downtown to protect the city from the further invasion(yes we are part of the Resistance).  I'm happy to report that we won!!!

So to celebrate we headed over to Federal Doughnuts down on Sansom Street to buy some of their strawberry lavender doughnuts.

They make these as you order them.  So they are served hot, sprinkled with strawberry lavender flavored sugar.  I can see why they have the 2nd best doughnuts in Philly.  These doughnuts are absolutely amazing.

Fresh popcorn is near impossible to resist, second only to fresh doughnuts.
-- Shannon Wiersbitzky 


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