Vegetarian Breakfast Sausage


Yesterday was my son's birthday.  One of his favorite breakfasts is ricotta pancakes with balsamic strawberries and whipped cream and my vegetarian breakfast sausage and habanero ketchup.  I was trying to recreate Morningstar breakfast sausages without the chemicals and preservatives.  They are not as dry as morningstar, that was one of my complaints with that brand.  Personally I like the spices in these better as well.  I used to make my own turkey breakfast sausage, I used a lot of the same spices.

Vegetarian Breakfast Sausage

1 cup of beef tvp

1 cup hot water

1/3 cup instant mashed potatoes

1/4 cup coconut oil

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

1 tbsp corn starch

1 tbsp chickpea flour

1 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp ground sage

1/2 tsp dried thyme

3/4 tsp black pepper

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp smoked Spanish paprika

Pinch of red pepper flakes

Pinch of allspice

2 eggs

1 tbsp gluten flour

I mix the first five ingredients and let them sit for about 10 minutes or until I have the rest of my ingredients out.  Basically you want the tvp and mashed potatoes to rehydrate.  I add the rest of the ingredients leaving the eggs and gluten flour for last.  I figure by the time you get to the eggs everything has cooled down enough they won't cook.  I like adding the gluten flour last because gluten flour tends to bind things together and not allow extra ingredients to be added.

I like cooking outside in the summer so I cooked these on my Brookstone over medium heat.  About 2 minutes per side or until it reaches your desired browned color.  I serve them with my homemade habanero ketchup.  Regular ketchup or maple syrup work as well.

The More you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

- Oprah Winfrey

For more breakfast ideas:

Ham Stuffed Biscuits with Mustard Butter

Fruit Salad

Peppermint Hot Cocoa

Ham & Cheese Omelet Souffle



  1. Yay!!! I'm going to try these out next week! Thank you so much for posting this!! Happy birthday to the man child. 😀


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